From “baby factory” in Rivers, police manage to free six pregnant girls


In Aluu, which is located in the Ikwerre Local Government Area of the state of Rivers, the Rivers State Police Command has uncovered a “baby factory” that was being operated by a child trafficking ring.

Six pregnant women were rescued by the command from the facility that manufactured babies.

The women, who ranged in age from 20 to 23, were being held captive with the intention of trading their newborn children after the women had given birth to them.

Akudo Azoroh, the owner and operator of the child trafficking centre, as well as the pregnant women were all taken into custody on Tuesday, along with Azoroh, who admitted to running the illegal enterprise.

Azoroh explained that she does not give the babies to ritualists but rather to families that are childless due to their inability to have children of their own.

She mentioned that the women were already pregnant when they came to her, and she added that she pays off the girls as much as N800,000 to N900,00 depending on the stage of the pregnancy they were in when they came to her as well as the gender of the child they delivered.

According to her, “I have given out a total of six children throughout the course of my business, which was established three years ago.” They were already pregnant when they came to me; they came to me on their own accord. I do not have boys who are responsible for getting the girls pregnant.

“I give out the babies only to families that do not have children and not to ritualists; I give them out for between N1.4 and N1.5 million, depending on the sex of the baby, while I pay their mothers off depending on the stage of pregnancy at the time they came,” she said. “I give out the babies for between N1.4 and N1.5 million, depending on the sex of the baby.”

Some of the women who were pregnant admitted that they went to the factory while they were pregnant with the intention of giving the children away after they were born because they did not have the financial means to provide for the children after they were born.

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