FG will invest, support COVID-19 vaccine research in the local area


President Muhammadu Buhari has stated that his administration will invest in and support pharmaceutical and research organizations in the development of COVID-19 vaccines in Nigeria.

Buhari said that this was necessary because of global inequity in vaccine access during his Independence Day broadcast on Friday, which marked Nigeria’s 61st birthday.

“We must act quickly to ensure that COVID-19 vaccines are distributed fairly. Last week in New York, I delivered this message to the international community.

“As we work to find vaccines for our immediate needs, we’ll invest more to help our pharmaceutical and research agencies come up with vaccine ideas that can be developed locally.

“Our question is simple: will Nigeria be ready if another pandemic strikes in the future?”

Buhari stated that he has directed the Federal Ministries of Finance, Budget and National Planning, Health, Education, and Science and Technology to collaborate with Nigerian and international pharmaceutical companies and research organizations in order to increase the country’s domestic pharmaceutical capacity.

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The Nigerian Sovereign Investment Authority is raising $200 million for the initiative, he said.

The Central Bank of Nigeria’s ongoing N85 billion Healthcare Sector Research and Development Intervention Scheme, he claims, will be complemented by this.

The goal of the initiative is to help local researchers develop vaccines and drugs to fight communicable and non-communicable diseases like COVID-19.

Despite global inequity in vaccine access, the president stated that the Nigerian government had continued to explore options to ensure that Nigerians had free access to safe and effective vaccines.

“Through efforts led by the National Primary Health Care Development Agency, approximately five million vaccine doses have been administered to Nigerians.

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“We will continue to look into purchasing or acquiring vaccines through COVAX and the African Vaccine Acquisition Trust, for example.

“I’d like to take this opportunity to remind the international community that the current state of COVID-19 vaccine access is unacceptable.

“We cannot afford a situation in which a small number of countries control the global vaccine supply at the expense of other countries.”

The president stated that the COVID-19 pandemic had a negative impact on initial 2020 plans.

“Our initial objectives for 2020 were to continue to stabilize our economy following the deep recession, while also restoring peace in areas where security challenges existed.

“ However, because of the COVID-19 pandemic and its devastating impact on all nations, we needed to shift gears and re-strategize.

“ Nigerians banded together to combat COVID-19.

“It is because of this attitude, as well as God’s special grace, that we have been able to survive the pandemic as a nation and provide leadership and example at the regional and international levels.”

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Even as the Delta variant spreads, Buhari expressed gratitude that the “doomsday scenario” predicted for our country never materialized.

He claims that the government has built the necessary capacity to respond now and in the future.

Buhari urged Nigerians not to take COVID lightly, urging them to follow the necessary public health and social measures to combat the virus.

“Put on your mask and get your vaccination. We can stop the pandemic, but it will take a concerted effort from everyone.

“The investments we made in response to COVID-19 will help our country deal with any future disease outbreaks or pandemics,” he said.

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Nigeria celebrates its independence on October 1 after being colonized by Britain, which granted the West African country independence on October 1, 1960.

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