Czech President To Appoint Fiala As New PM


According to the president’s spokesperson, Milos Zeman will be released from the hospital on Saturday and will appoint Petr Fiala, the leader of a coalition of centre-right parties, as the new prime minister the following day.

Milos Zeman was admitted to the hospital on Thursday after testing positive for the coronavirus, just hours after being released from the hospital after more than six weeks of treatment for an unrelated illness.

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“He’d be sent to the presidential retreat in Lany, west of Prague.” Zeman’s office stated, “He will appoint Fiala there, and safety measures will be maintained.”

In an October election, Fiala’s Together coalition of three parties defeated outgoing Prime Minister Andrej Babis’s ANO party, and is now forming a government with the Pirate and Mayors parties.

Once in power, the new government will face a new surge in the coronavirus pandemic, with daily infections reaching new highs and hospitals being overburdened.

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