COVID-19: Ex-Otukpo Council Boss Distributes Hand Sanitizers, Urges Social Distancing


The immediate past Caretaker Chairman of Otukpo Local Government, Rt. Hon. George Alli has distributed hand sanitizers to the good people of Otukpo Local Government Area.

The distribution was done towards the prevention and curtailing of Covid-19 virus which has become a global threat to human existence. This is done to avoid the spread of Covid-19 otherwise known as Corona virus.

Hon. George in the course of the distribution visited the primary healthcare centre Otukpo, Christian Association of Nigeria, CAN Otukpo chapter, The Ochi’Otukpo (The traditional ruler of Otukpo) and the Muslims Community Otukpo for the first face of distribution and sensitisation.

The distribution was also done cut across the 13 council wards that make up Otukpo local government. The 13 PDP council ward flagbearers took charge of the distribution to their various council wards.

Otukpo CAN chapter, in their appreciate words through the bodies coordinator, Rev. Edward Onoja, described Hon. George Alli as an achiever and a man with a large heart. He said Hon. George has an accommodative heart and he is listening leader who has selflessly served his people and also appreciated him for the materials offered to the church of God.

CAN prayed for Hon. George Alli and wished him abundant of grace and divine protection in all he does.

Amidst all these, the good people of Otukpo were glad to receive these sensitive materials. They appreciated the Hon. George Alli for his capacity and sagacity in course to always deliver on his promises.

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