Business leaders with proven track records inspire me – Adenike Ogunlesi

Business leaders with proven track records inspire me – Adenike Ogunlesi

Founder and Chief Responsibility Officer of Ruff ‘n’ Tumble, Adenike Ogunlesi, tells JOSEPHINE OGUNDEJI about her life, career and other issues

Can you share a pivotal moment in your personal life that significantly influenced your journey as an entrepreneur and the founder of Ruff ‘n’ Tumble?

As a mother of three, I was faced with the challenges of finding good-quality, durable, and stylish children’s clothing locally. My personal experience inspired me to provide solutions for myself and other mothers who were facing those same challenges. The desire to solve a problem and find creative solutions for myself, as well as customers, began my entrepreneurial journey, leading me to create the brand, which has redefined and set new standards of excellence in both the children’s fashion and garment production industries.

What motivates and inspires you on a personal level, both within and outside the fashion industry?

My motivation and inspiration come from my belief that I can be, do and have anything I dream of, provided I am willing to put in the work, set clear goals, draw up a plan, and be laser-focused on the execution of my vision. That is what excites me, because the possibilities are endless. Within the fashion industry, witnessing the joy on children’s faces when they wear our brand is immensely fulfilling, but even beyond that, we have had the opportunity to set up foundations, such as the Betti-Okuboyejo Foundation supporting aspiring female fashion designers, and the I Share Cuz I Care Foundation for Children. Through this, the business leaves a lasting legacy and creates a positive impact in the world, which continually motivates me to keep going.

As a leader, how do you continue to learn and grow personally? Are there any books, mentors, or experiences that have had a profound impact on your personal development?

Continuously evolving as a leader is important to me. This begins with the concept of self-leadership, getting to know, understand, and lead oneself, then defining the type of leader one wants to become, and the habits and disciplines that enable one to be that leader. I find inspiration from business leaders all over the world who have a proven track record of achieving the things that I would like to achieve. I have always had a policy of staying open and being non-judgmental in my desire to learn. That enables me to find mentors from all walks of life who provide valuable insight to the different aspects of my life, be they spiritual leaders or business innovators. I have also learnt a lot from my own experiences; from failure to prepare adequately, poor execution, mistakes, and making emotional decisions when I should have just stepped back and had a deeper reflection. Every challenge and triumph in my entrepreneurial journey has served as an opportunity to learn and become a better version of myself. The key lies in staying open to learning from various channels, ensuring that my leadership skills remain dynamic and responsive to the ever-changing business landscape.

Can you share a personal mantra or piece of advice that has guided you through the ups and downs of entrepreneurship and life in general?

A guiding mantra for me has been, ‘Acknowledge, learn, evolve’. This encapsulates my approach to navigating the highs and lows of entrepreneurship and life. It reminds me to acknowledge challenges, learn from them, and use those experiences to evolve, both as an entrepreneur and as an individual. Embracing this mantra has been instrumental in maintaining resilience and adaptability on this journey.

How has Ruff ‘n’ Tumble evolved since its inception, and what challenges did you face in the early stages of building the brand?

The journey started humbly with my homemade pyjamas for my kids. The first and biggest challenge was overcoming myself— my prejudices, perspectives and mindset. This then empowered me and enabled me to deal with external challenges of talent recruitment and the financial hurdle of raising capital, building structure in a business, and managing customers. Over the years, we have transformed into a flourishing Pan-African brand with 16 retail outlets, over 300 employees, and a fully functional garment manufacturing facility that manufactures uniforms, as well as white labelling for the fashion industry. Our success is a testament to the resilience, vision, and disciplined execution that define the brand’s evolution.

Can you share some key principles or values that have guided your business philosophy and decision-making throughout the years?

The core principles guiding our business philosophy include integrity, service, teamwork, innovation, respect, and excellence. These values serve as the foundation for decision-making, emphasising quality, a memorable customer experience, collaborative efforts, creativity, respect, and a commitment to excellence in both products and services.

How do you stay updated on the latest trends in children’s fashion, and how does the brand incorporate these trends into its designs?

We are a brand that sets trends; we don’t just follow them. We are inspired by everything around us, including the way we live, the colours, the music, the pride in being Nigerian and global trends. We bring all of it together in a unique way, and weave it into the story of the clothes. This ensures our collections are not just stylish, but authentically resonate with the vibrant spirit of children’s fashion.

Now that people are leaving Nigeria for greener pastures abroad, what is your take on them on staying back to build Nigeria?

For those who can find the rationale, have the energy, and think creatively in a volatile environment, the building of Nigeria is not just a collective responsibility but a great opportunity. Despite the challenges, our nation is filled with immense potential and possibilities. I would encourage those considering leaving Nigeria to rather envision themselves as architects of positive change and impact. By contributing skills, ideas and efforts to the local landscape, they become integral to Nigeria’s growth. It is a collective journey, and each individual’s commitment can shape a brighter future for our beloved nation.

How do you balance creativity and functionality when designing children’s clothing, considering the unique needs and preferences of both children and parents?

Balancing creativity and functionality in designing children’s clothing is an art. I ensure our designs are not only visually appealing but also practical for the dynamic needs of both children and parents. It involves integrating vibrant colours, comfortable fabrics, and playful styles to resonate with children’s preferences. Simultaneously, we prioritise durability and ease for parents, creating a harmonious blend, where creativity meets practicality, resulting in clothing that not only looks good but stands up to the energetic nature of kids, while catering to the convenience of parents.

How does the brand engage with its community, both locally and globally, to build a strong and supportive customer base?

Connecting with our community is a heart thing. We are passionate about our customer experience journey, and we have a robust team that manages customer relationships. We aim to build trust with our customers and ensure they feel seen, heard, and taken care of.

As a founder, what leadership lessons have you learnt along the way, and how do you foster a positive company culture?

The first leadership lesson is knowing that I cannot do it alone, and I don’t want to. It is important to build strong teams that are aligned with the vision, are of good character, competent, and have the capacity to execute the vision. The teams are governed by our values, enabling us to build trust in a workplace that is positive, open to learning, and very excited about doing work that impacts Nigeria.

How did the COVID-19 pandemic affect the brand, and what strategies have you implemented to navigate through these challenging times?

COVID-19 threw us a curveball, but we turned lemons into lemonade. As fewer people were out shopping, we pivoted our factories and started manufacturing masks and PPE to support the growing demand for safety equipment. We also invested more in our digital and e-commerce capabilities. It was a rollercoaster, but we stayed agile and came out even stronger.

What advice do you have for aspiring entrepreneurs, particularly those looking to venture into the fashion industry?

Understand first that fashion is a business, and like all other businesses, you need to get clear on the brand by defining its ethos and values, working on your product offerings, identifying and defining the customer, how to get the product to them, and the impact that you want to have in the industry.

Second, look for talent that is open and willing to learn, committed, and loyal to your vision and values.

Third, get a good plan, be flexible and agile in your thinking, and take massive action. Remember that nothing happens until you move. Success is intentional. It is a result of sincere effort, smart moves, and skillful execution.

How do you incorporate your style into your everyday life, and does it influence the design choices or aesthetics of the brand?

Personal style encompasses my lifestyle, which revolves around the way I lead, the way I live, and the way I dress. The principles surrounding all those factors are less is more, treating people the way you want to be treated, and lastly, happiness is a choice, so live your best life. I love colours, and I bring these principles, with a huge splash of colour, into the design around the brand. However, as our brand evolved, it took on an identity of its own. But, at its core, we focus on giving kids a strong sense of style and individuality, which makes them happy.

Managing a successful business while maintaining a family life can be demanding. How do you ensure quality time with your family, and are there any traditions you prioritise?

Juggling a thriving business and family life demands a high level of intentionality. This means that one is deliberate about setting up structures and systems that support and enable one to harmonise all the moving parts of one’s life. Quality time with my family is a non-negotiable priority. We cherish the micro moments, such as simple conversations and shared meals, as well as the big celebrations and holidays.

How do you foster innovation within the brand, both in terms of product design and business processes?

As a fashion business and brand, innovation is at the core of everything we do. We are constantly working to improve our systems and processes, so that we better serve our customers and make our business more efficient and agile. We constantly ask the question, how do we make things better? How do we improve product design, so that it is more functional, practical, and at the same time, on trend and aligned with what the customer wants? Engaging with our community, listening to customer feedback, and staying true to our values are the human elements that make us more than a brand. It is a shared journey of creativity, growth and joy.

The COVID-19 pandemic was a test of our agility, and we successfully pivoted, turning the extreme challenges into immense opportunities.

In the competitive fashion industry, how do you maintain a unique brand identity?

In the fast-paced world of fashion, setting our brand apart is about staying true to our essence. We are not just chasing trends; we are creating them. Our designs are a vibrant reflection of daily life, music, and the fusion of our Nigerian roots with global inspiration. It is not just about appearances; it is about capturing the essence of childhood in a way that’s unmistakably unique to us.

Our brand identity is anchored on an unwavering commitment to authenticity and a genuine connection with our community. It is more than just clothing; it’s a lifestyle, a celebration of childhood, and a trusted companion on the journey of growing up. In a sea of options, we stand out as a beacon of creativity, quality, and a unique touch that resonates with families.

Can you share a challenging decision you had to make as a leader and how it ultimately contributed to the growth of the brand?

Making tough decisions is an inevitable part of leading the company, and one that stands out was when we faced a crucial point in our growth journey. It was a moment of deciding to make a significant investment in our digital and e-commerce capabilities, a move that went beyond our conventional retail approach. It was actually tough. There were uncertainties, sleepless nights, and plenty of discussions.

However, looking back, that decision turned out to be a game-changer. It wasn’t just about adapting to the digital shift; it was about staying true to our commitment to reaching families far and wide. The investment not only helped us navigate the evolving fashion landscape, but also played a vital role during unexpected challenges, such as the onset of the COVID-19 pandemic. It taught me that sometimes, the most challenging decisions are the ones that pave the way for the most significant growth. It is a reminder that growth often requires stepping out of our comfort zones and embracing change, even when it feels a bit uncomfortable at first.

What roles do sustainability and ethical practices play in the sourcing of materials and manufacturing processes for your products?

For me, sustainability and ethical practices are at the heart of our journey. It is not just about making clothes; it is about making a positive impact. When we source materials, we are not just looking for quality; we are looking for a commitment to fair labour practices and a smaller environmental footprint. It is about feeling good in what our kids wear, knowing it is made with care and respect every step of the way.

Our manufacturing processes? They’re not just about efficiency; they’re about embracing practices that make a difference. It is a journey we’re on, and we’re not perfect, but we’re learning and evolving. We believe in transparency, and in showing you the faces and stories behind our clothes. When anybody chooses our products, they are not just choosing a piece of clothing, they are choosing a piece of a bigger picture that values people, Africa, and the joy that well-made clothes bring.

How do you handle setbacks and failures, both personally and professionally, and what lessons have you learnt from them?

Handling setbacks and failures, both in my personal life and professional journey, has been a profound learning experience. Personally, setbacks have taught me resilience and the importance of adapting to life’s unpredictable nature. They are moments that invite introspection and growth, shaping me into a more resilient and understanding individual.

Professionally, setbacks are inherent on the entrepreneurial path. Every challenge encountered is an opportunity to reassess and refine our strategies. It is not about avoiding failure; it is about how we respond to it. Each setback has been a catalyst for innovation and improvement. Whether it is a shift in market dynamics or unexpected hurdles, these moments have taught me to approach challenges with a solution-oriented mindset. The key lesson is that setbacks are not indicators of inadequacy, but rather stepping stones to success. Embracing failure as a natural part of the journey has been crucial. It is about learning, adapting, and using those experiences to fuel our determination. The entrepreneurial path is a continuous learning curve, and setbacks, though challenging, are integral to the process of growth and achievements.

What do you consider to be the biggest opportunities and challenges for the fashion industry in the country?

As an entrepreneur in Nigeria, I see both significant opportunities and challenges within the fashion industry. The opportunities are vast, given the country’s rich cultural diversity and the growing appreciation for locally crafted, unique fashion. One notable opportunity lies in leveraging traditional Nigerian textiles and craftsmanship to create globally appealing and authentic designs. The global interest in African fashion presents a chance for Nigerian brands to gain international recognition, leading to possible foreign exchange earnings.

Another huge opportunity is the creation of jobs and the nurturing of young talents, through institutions that certify good quality skills, and development training that enables us to compete internationally. But, every good story has its challenges. Fashion is fast and keeps changing. To compete, the government has to see the potential of making Nigeria a global hub, by setting up policies, structures, and legal frameworks that protect the intellectual property of the players in the industry.

How do you inspire and empower your team to contribute their best to the company’s success?

Inspiring and empowering my team is at the heart of our success. I believe in fostering a culture where every team member feels valued and motivated to contribute their best. Open communication is key. I encourage team members to share their ideas, concerns and aspirations. This inclusivity creates a sense of ownership and belonging.

Recognising and celebrating achievements, both big and small, is crucial. It is about acknowledging the hard work and dedication that each team member brings to the table. I also provide opportunities for professional growth, supporting continuous learning and skill development. Empowerment comes from trust. I trust my team to make decisions and take ownership of their responsibilities. Autonomy fosters a sense of responsibility and creativity. Additionally, I ensure that the company’s vision and values are clear, so every team member understands their role in contributing to our collective success.  Ultimately, it’s about creating a positive and collaborative work environment, where everyone feels inspired, valued, and motivated to give their best for the success of the company.

Can you share a proud moment or achievement in the company’s journey that stands out to you?

One particularly proud moment that stands out to me is witnessing the growth of our brand from its humble beginnings to becoming a flourishing Pan-African presence. Starting with homemade pyjamas for my kids, the brand has evolved into a symbol of quality, style, and joy for over a million children and families globally.

The expansion journey, marked by 16 retail outlets and a team of over 300 dedicated individuals, reflects the resilience, vision, and disciplined execution that define our evolution. Seeing the brand not only thrive but also set new standards in the children’s clothing and garment production industry is a testament to the collective effort and passion of everyone involved. Every time I see a child wearing our brand with a beaming smile, I am reminded of the positive impact we have made in the lives of families. It is more than a brand; it is a journey of shared happiness and a source of immense pride for me and the entire Ruff ‘n’ Tumble family.

What role do customer feedback and market research play in shaping the direction of your product offerings?

Customer feedback and market research are invaluable compasses guiding the direction of our product offerings. We don’t just create for the sake of it; we create to meet the genuine needs and desires of our customers. Customer feedback is like a treasure trove of insights, offering us a direct line to understand what works, what could be improved, and what new adventures our customers are craving. Market research complements this by helping us stay ahead of trends, understand the evolving landscape, and anticipate the needs of our dynamic customer base. It is about being proactive, not just reactive. We’re not just creating clothing; we’re crafting experiences, and these experiences are enriched by understanding the pulse of our market.

Listening to our customers is not just a part of the process; it is the essence of our journey. Their feedback shapes our designs, influences our decisions, and ensures that every piece is not just a garment but a celebration of childhood tailored to meet the desires of our extended family.

How do you navigate the intersection of cultural influences and global trends in the design and marketing of children’s clothing?

We navigate the blend of cultural influences and global trends in children’s clothing with a simple mantra— celebrate locally and resonate globally. We draw inspiration from Nigeria’s rich culture, infusing it into our designs. Simultaneously, we stay in tune with global trends, creating a universal language of fashion.

In marketing, authenticity is key. Our campaigns celebrate the joy of childhood, transcending cultural boundaries. Whether it is a traditional Nigerian print or a globally inspired motif, every piece tells a story that connects with families worldwide. Our goal is to create a brand that feels like home, regardless of where you are in the world. It is a harmonious blend, and in that intersection of cultural richness and global trends, we find the magic that makes us truly unique.

As a female entrepreneur, have you faced any specific challenges in the business world because of your gender, and how have you overcome them?

Entrepreneurship knows no gender. I come with a fire burning in me to birth a vision. I, therefore, learnt very quickly not to play the female card, but to come to the table with good character, confidence in what I do, and the capacity to deliver on whatever I set my mind to. By consistently delivering exceptional products and services, I was able to build credibility and earn trust both in the business world and with consumers. I build my mind and skill sets, and make myself so good that I cannot be ignored. At the end of the day, everybody wants the job done. If I’m the best and I’m a woman, so be it.

Networking and mentorship played pivotal roles. Engaging with fellow entrepreneurs, both male, and female, and seeking guidance from mentors provided valuable insights and encouragement. Through those connections, I found a supportive community that understands the shared challenges of entrepreneurship.

In overcoming those challenges, the key has been resilience, authenticity, and a relentless pursuit of excellence. Every obstacle has been an opportunity to redefine expectations and contribute to the narrative of women thriving in business. It is a journey of continuous learning and breaking barriers, one that I hope inspires the next generation of female entrepreneurs.

Can you share an example of a collaboration or partnership that has been impactful for the brand?

That would be collaborating with some local government schools through the ‘I Share Cuz I Care’ foundation, where we make free school uniforms for the children. It has been impactful, purposeful and fulfilling.

How do you envision the future of the brand, and what goals do you have for the coming years?

Looking ahead, I see the brand stepping into a future filled with excitement and growth. Our goal is pretty straightforward— we want to be a go-to choice for kids’ fashion, not just in Africa but globally. Picture more smiles, more styles, and an even bigger family.

We are eyeing new horizons, reaching out to fresh markets while keeping our roots strong. And you know what’s cool? We are taking our vibrant Nigerian culture with us. We are deploying technology to take us through this journey. We keep improving the efficiency of our online store, and making it easier for people to shop from all over the world.

We are dreaming big about spreading joy, celebrating diversity, and being a part of every child’s story. Imagine a world where we are not just a brand; it is a bit of happiness in every kid’s wardrobe. That is the future we’re painting, and we are excited to see it unfold.

As a business leader, how do you prioritise diversity and inclusion within your company, both in terms of staff and product representation?

In leading the company, my focus on diversity and inclusion is not just a checkbox; it is embedded in the very fabric of our culture. We are not just making clothes; we are creating a family where everyone belongs, regardless of their background or identity.

When it comes to our team, we prioritise diversity in hiring, ensuring that our family represents a beautiful spectrum of experiences, perspectives, and talents. We are intentional about providing equal opportunities and creating an environment where everyone feels valued and heard. Product representation is another key aspect. Our designs aim to reflect the rich tapestry of global cultures, ensuring that every child can find a piece that resonates with their identity. We celebrate diversity, not just in words but in the very designs that adorn our clothing racks.

What role does technology play in the growth and development of the company, particularly in e-commerce and digital marketing?

Technology is the engine propelling our brand forward. It drives our back and front end, providing us valuable insights on customer behaviour, product, and inventory management. In our production, technology drives design, pattern making, and very sensitive and specialised equipment. We keep pushing the boundaries, being open to the growing value of technology, and the very important business intelligence that can be mined from our data.

How do you handle competition, and what strategies do you employ to stay ahead in the market?

We stay ahead with a simple playbook— stick to our strengths and be the trendsetter, not the follower. Listening to our family keeps us connected to our customers and consumers; their feedback shapes our collections, making them not just clothes but experiences. We are eternal optimists, who are open to taking risks by trying new things.

Can you share a piece of wisdom or insight that you wish you had known when you first started the company?

The biggest would be the simple words, ‘And this too shall pass’. Remember, you have the power to create the experiences that you want to have in your life, so don’t be a victim of circumstance. Things will go wrong, and when this happens, keep it all in perspective. It is only a speed bump on the journey of a lifetime. Stay focused, curious, committed and diligent. Persevere, be disciplined, believe, and trust in yourself.

In terms of corporate social responsibility, what initiatives has the brand undertaken to give back to society?

One of our proud initiatives is the Betti-Okuboyejo Foundation— a garment-making training facility that empowers over 200 youths with skills in garment-making and entrepreneurship. It is our way of contributing to skill development and creating opportunities for the younger generation. Additionally, we established the ‘I Share Cuz I Care’ Foundation, a community that promotes sharing and caring among children.

Through campaigns such as ‘Feed a Child’ and ‘Dress a Child’, we have impacted thousands of children, providing them with new school uniforms and shoes. This isn’t just about clothing, it is about nurturing a sense of dignity and confidence in the young minds of our community. This is an extension of our belief in creating a positive impact and leaving a lasting legacy.

Balancing a successful business and personal life can be challenging. How do you prioritise self-care, and maintain a work-life balance?

I prefer to use the words ‘work-life integration’, instead of work-life balance. Trying to balance business, self-care, family and other relationships can feel like too much pressure. Instead, I look at my life as a whole and think about how I can integrate and harmonise all the moving parts together to support me in showing up as the truest and highest expression of myself in service of myself, my community and those that I love. Throughout the different seasons of my life, I find this harmony and wholeness by defining, refining, and redefining the key areas of my life and ensuring my values are aligned with how I spend my time. I have also learnt to prioritise and set up support systems that enable and empower me to make choices that make me fulfilled and help me to serve.

How do you unwind?

For me, unwinding is all about being in a state of peace and tranquility. I start my day with journaling and yoga. I love gardening and sitting still in nature. I find that so peaceful. Great conversations around the dinner table with family bring me joy and remind me of what’s most important. Also, travelling and seeing the world often helps me switch off from the hustle and bustle of life.

How would you describe your childhood?

I grew up in the Government Reservation Area of Ijebu-Ode in Ogun State, so my childhood was fun, adventurous and spent mostly outdoors. From imaginative games with my brothers to our comforting family traditions, those early years instilled in me a sense of curiosity and a deep appreciation for the simple joys of life.

Are any of your kids taking after your fashion path?

My three children are expressing themselves creatively in their unique ways, and that is beautiful to see.

Mowalola is conquering the global stage with her thought-provoking fashion designs; Tiwalola is using her words as an author to empower women to be confident; and Adegboyega is a musical genius, producing some of the world’s top charting songs. There is nothing more fulfilling than witnessing them own their distinct journeys.

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