I am proud to stand firmly behind our leader in the National Assembly,

Distinguished Senator Abba Moro, PhD, who has championed the creation of Apa State. As the most senior legislator and my senator, I have no doubt that his leadership will bring this vision to fruition.

I am delighted to see positive steps being taken in Lagos at the ongoing Sectoral Engagement of the House Committee on the Review of the Constitution of the Federal Republic of Nigeria with the Justices/ Speakers of the State Houses of Assembly. We are honoured to have Professor Agbo Madaki, the immediate past Dean, Faculty of Law at Baze University, a fellow Idoma man and renowned Constitutional law expert, working with us to champion this cause. His expertise has been invaluable.

Also, all the members of the Unity Caucus of the National Assembly are working in harmony with the leader of the Benue Caucus. We will not rest until this vision is achieved. By God’s grace, Apa State will become a reality, bringing meaningful development, economic growth, and improved living standards to our constituents. Let us continue to work together to make this a success.

Enone Servant
Rep. Philip Agbese
13th July 2024

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