Sharia Court sentences man to death by stoning for homos3xuality


A middle aged man, Abdullahi Sani of Unguwar Makara huta in Ningi, headquarters of Ningi LGA of Bauchi State is to die by stoning.

The development is sequel to a judgement delivered by a Sharia Court in Ningi which has sentenced him to death by stoning for the offence of homos3xuality having been found guilty of the offence as charged.

The Sharia Court presided over by Abdullahi Aliyu Doya delivered the judgement and pronounced the death sentence during the court session on Friday, 10th May 2024 in Ningi.

The Sharia Judge said that the Court commenced hearing on the case on 02/05/2024 and after listening to various arguments on the case, closed it on Thursday, 09/05/2024 for judgement and sentence.

The Sharia Judge explained that the outcome of the various witnesses presented before the Court coupled with the acceptance of guilt by the accused of engaging in homos3xuality, the Court delivered the judgment and the sentence.

He therefore pronounced that, the accused, Abdullahi Sani, a resident of Unguwar Makara huta, in Ningi should be stoned to death for committing the offence of homosexuality.

Abdullahi Aliyu Doya explained that he delivered the judgment and the sentence in line with the provision of section 131, 132 da 133 of the Bauchi State administration of criminal justice, 2001.

It would be recalled that on 01/07/2022, a Sharia court presided over by Munka’ilu Sabo-Ningi, delivered judgement and sentenced three otherpeople to death by stoning having been found guilty of the offence of homos3xuality.

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